Are 80 Lowers Legal in Florida: Your Comprehensive Guide

You’re an avid gun enthusiast living in the Sunshine State of Florida. You’ve heard whispers about a specific firearm-related term – “80 lowers.” But you’re not quite sure what they are or whether they’re legal in Florida. Fret not, fellow Floridian firearms aficionado!

In this article, we will delve deep into the world of 80 lowers, exploring what they are, their legal status in Florida, and the intricacies surrounding them.

What Are 80 Lowers?

Before we plunge into the legality, let’s demystify the term “80 lowers.” An 80 lower, often called an “80% lower receiver” or simply “80% lower,” is a crucial firearm component. It’s essentially the building block for various firearms, including rifles and pistols.

The “80%” part refers to the degree of completion – these lower receivers are only 80% finished, leaving the remaining 20% to be completed by the individual gun owner.

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DIY Enthusiasts and Firearms

DIY Enthusiasts and Firearms

Now, you might be wondering why anyone would want an incomplete firearm component. The answer is simple: DIY enthusiasts love the challenge. Building your own firearm from scratch can be a satisfying and educational experience.

It allows you to customize your weapon to your exact preferences, from the type of barrel to the choice of trigger.

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The Legal Landscape in Florida

So, here’s the burning question: Are 80 lowers legal in Florida? We must delve into Florida’s firearms laws to provide an accurate answer.

The Ghost Gun Law

The Ghost Gun Law

In 2021, Florida passed what’s colloquially known as the “Ghost Gun Law.” This law tightened regulations surrounding homemade firearms, including 80 lowers. While it’s still legal to manufacture your own firearms in Florida, the new law imposes certain restrictions and requirements.

Serial Numbers and Background Checks

One of the key provisions of the Ghost Gun Law is the requirement for homemade firearms to have a serial number. This is a crucial departure from the traditional concept of 80 lowers, which were often unserialized.

The serial number allows for easier tracking and tracing of firearms, which is a significant concern for law enforcement.

Additionally, the law mandates background checks for anyone looking to manufacture their own firearm. This aligns with Florida’s commitment to responsible gun ownership and ensuring that firearms don’t fall into the wrong hands.

Prohibited Persons

Florida, like all states, prohibits certain individuals from owning firearms. This includes convicted felons, individuals with a history of domestic violence, and those who are subject to restraining orders.

It’s essential to understand that if you fall into any of these categories, you cannot possess firearms, even if you manufacture them using an 80 lower.

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The Grey Area

the Ghost Gun Law clarifies many aspects of DIY firearms in Florida, some grey areas still warrant consideration

While the Ghost Gun Law clarifies many aspects of DIY firearms in Florida, some grey areas still warrant consideration.

The 80% Threshold

One point of contention is the definition of an “80% lower.” The law doesn’t specify what exactly constitutes that 80% threshold. This leaves room for interpretation and debate within the firearms community. Some argue that this vagueness could lead to legal complications for gun owners.

Federal Regulations

It’s crucial to note that while Florida has its own firearm laws, federal regulations also apply. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has its own guidelines on homemade firearms. These guidelines can sometimes differ from state laws, creating potential confusion for gun owners.

The Responsibility of Gun Owners

In navigating the legalities of 80 lowers in Florida, one thing remains constant – the responsibility of gun owners. Whether you’re assembling a firearm from an 80% lower or purchasing a factory-made gun, responsible ownership is paramount.

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Secure Storage

Florida law requires firearm owners to store their weapons securely. This means keeping them out of the reach of unauthorized individuals, especially children. Proper storage not only complies with the law but also ensures the safety of your loved ones.

Education and Training

Owning a firearm comes with a duty to understand how to use it safely. Consider enrolling in a firearms safety course to ensure you’re well-equipped to handle your weapon responsibly.

Stay Informed

Laws can change, and it’s essential to stay informed about any updates or amendments to firearms regulations in Florida. This knowledge helps you stay on the right side of the law and contributes to the safety of your community.

The Final Verdict

So, are 80 lowers legal in Florida? The answer is a nuanced one. While Florida allows for the manufacture of homemade firearms, recent legislation has imposed stricter regulations, including the requirement for serial numbers and background checks. Gun owners must also adhere to federal guidelines from the ATF.

Navigating the legalities of 80 lowers in Florida requires a deep understanding of both state and federal laws. It’s crucial to stay informed and seek legal advice if you have any doubts about your rights and responsibilities as a gun owner.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are 80 lowers legal in Florida without a serial number?

Yes, in Florida, there is no requirement to serialize an 80% lower receiver. However, if you intend to sell the firearm you’ve built from it, you may need to apply for a serial number through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

Can I sell an 80% lower in Florida?

Yes, you can legally sell an 80% lower receiver in Florida. However, following all federal and state regulations when selling firearms or their components is crucial. If you’re unsure about the process, consult with legal counsel or an experienced firearms dealer.

Do I need a background check to purchase an 80% lower in Florida?

Yes, if you purchase an 80% lower online or from a licensed dealer, a background check will be conducted before you can take possession of the lower receiver. This process aligns with federal and state laws to ensure the buyer’s eligibility to own firearms.


Florida’s firearms landscape is evolving, and the use of 80 lowers is subject to ongoing debate and potential legal changes. As a responsible gun owner, you must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, prioritizing safety and responsible ownership above all else.

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