Can You Sell a Car with Expired Registration in Florida?

If you’re a Floridian car owner, you may have found yourself in a situation where your car’s registration has expired, and you’re contemplating selling it. The big question is, “Can you sell a car with expired registration in Florida?”

As a Florida resident well-versed in the state’s laws, I’m here to guide you through the process, step by step, while adding a dash of local wisdom and a pinch of humour to make it an enjoyable read.

Yes, you can sell a car with expired registration in Florida.

Understanding the Importance of Car Registration

selling car with expired registration FL

First and foremost, it’s crucial to understand why car registration is so important in the Sunshine State. Your car’s registration is more than just a piece of paper; it’s your ticket to drive on Florida’s roads legally. It indicates that your vehicle complies with the state’s safety and emissions standards, is insured, and is financially responsible.

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Can You Sell a Car with Expired Registration in Florida?

When your car’s registration expires, it signals that your vehicle is no longer in compliance with these legal requirements. Driving with an expired registration in Florida can lead to fines, penalties, and even your car being impounded.

However, can you still sell your car in this condition? The answer is yes, but there are essential steps to follow.

Step 1: Disclose the Registration Status

The first step in selling a car with expired registration in Florida is full disclosure. Honesty is the best policy, and you should inform potential buyers about the registration’s expired status. It’s not only the right thing to do but also prevents any legal troubles down the road.

Step 2: Get a Pre-sale Inspection

To boost your chances of selling the car with expired registration, consider getting a pre-sale inspection. This shows potential buyers that the vehicle is in good working condition, despite the expired registration. It’s a small investment that can make a big difference in the selling process.

Step 3: Negotiate the Price

Given the expired registration, it’s essential to be flexible with the price. Potential buyers may use this as a bargaining point, so be prepared to negotiate. Remember, a fair deal benefits both parties and ensures a smoother transaction.

Can You Sell a Car with Expired Registration in Florida

Step 4: Bill of Sale

Ensure you have a proper Bill of Sale, which is a legal document that transfers ownership from you to the buyer. This document should include details about the car, both parties, the sale price, and the date of sale. It’s crucial to have a clear transaction record, especially with expired registration.

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Step 5: Cancel Your Plates

Once the sale is complete, remove your license plates from the vehicle. In Florida, license plates stay with the owner, not the car. You can transfer them to another vehicle you own or return them to the DMV.

Step 6: Complete a Notice of Sale

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) provides a “Notice of Sale” form. This form should be completed and submitted to the DHSMV within 30 days of the sale. It’s another step in ensuring that your name is removed from the vehicle’s record.

Step 7: Release of Liability

Consider a “Release of Liability” form to protect yourself from any potential issues after the sale. This document notifies the state that you are no longer responsible for the vehicle. It’s an extra layer of protection.

FAQ About Selling a Car with Expired Registration

Can I sell a car with an expired registration in Florida without disclosing it?

No, it’s illegal to withhold this information from the buyer. Full disclosure is a legal and ethical requirement.

What if I can’t find a buyer for my car with an expired registration?

If you’re struggling to sell your car, consider renewing the registration or selling it for scrap. Renewing the registration can make the sale process smoother.

What happens if the new owner doesn’t transfer the registration?

If the new owner doesn’t transfer the registration, they may face fines and penalties. It’s crucial to ensure they complete the transfer to avoid any legal issues on your end.


Selling a car with an expired registration in Florida might seem like a daunting task, but with the right steps and full transparency, you can navigate the process successfully. Remember, a bit of local wisdom and a dash of humor always make the journey more enjoyable. So, happy selling, fellow Floridian car owners!

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